Waiting to Adopt

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Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My young nephews

Two of my nephews are under two years of age.  I love watching them develop as they discover new things that they can do.  I think about my little one in Bulgaria and wonder what milestones he/she is  reaching.  I get some comfort from the fact that although I will miss some of my own child's develpmental stage, at least I can experience them through my two nephews.

Recently, John (1yr 2 months) passed on his walker to Daniel (9 months).  I'm not sure if it was voluntary on John's part.  He was looking at Daniel as if to say 'what's that boy doing in my walker?' but just a few minutes later he was happily pushing Daniel around the kitchen in the walker - much to Daniels delight.

John is attempting to walk now.  He's holding on to furniture but then every now and then he'll let go for a few minutes.  The other day he realised he was standing on his own and looked round to see who was watching him.  When he saw his mum and his granny he raised his hands above his head as if in celebration of his achievement.  Sooo cute.

Daniel is sitting up on his own now and getting steadier every day.  This allows him to play with his musical toys and ball.  Last week I called in to see him and I had my hair tied back (very unusual for me).  It was amusing seeing Daniels bewildered expression when he realised that he recognised the voice but couldn't figure out why it didn't match the face he was used to.  Eventually he realised it was me.

I hope that my little one will be joining our family this year - he/she should be around the same age as these two little boys and I look forward to watching them grow up together.

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